
Sunday, November 30, 2014


How to make Roti Canai

Roti  Canai  is one of most loved hawker food. This crispy and flaky prata  is available through out the day for breakfast, lunch or dinner. While some like it with just a sprinkle of granulated sugar but I like it served with a spicy curry.

There are several variations, either served plain or with eggs,  Our hawkers here have came up with their own variations which now include anything from cheese, banana, honey to chocolate and ice cream.

After forming into soft dough, it is coated with oil and kept covered for several hours. Another important  part is  flipping the dough in the air in a circular motion  to get that see through dough. Flipping the prata takes skill which come from years of practice. In my case, I got  that  paper thin dough  by pulling the edges slowly. The more you flip, the thinner  it gets so that when you fold it you get more layers. The perfect  Roti Canai  should be thin and crispy.

My Roti  Canai  is slightly bigger than what you get from those shop but if you want it smaller, divide the dough into 8  instead of 6 balls.

Makes 6-8  roti

3 cup  wheat flour
5 tablespoon oil
1 tsp salt
2  tablespoon condensed milk
1 cup + 2 tablespoon water
extra oil for coating/frying
1 egg (optional)

* If adding  an egg, reduce the quantity of water


1. In a bowl, combine salt, condensed milk and water.

2. Add flour and oil to the water mixture, forms into soft dough.

3. Knead the dough until smooth for 5 minutes, divide dough into  6-8 balls.

How to make Roti Canai

4. Coat each ball with oil and let stand for at least 5 hours or overnight.

5.  Oil your work top, flatten each ball with your oiled palms, Pulling the edges until you get a see through dough (professionals do it by flipping the dough in the air in a circular motion). Coil it up like a sea shell. 

6. Flatten the dough using your hand into round shape. Rest 10 minutes.

7. Fry on flat pan until both side turn golden brown, drizzle with oil as you fry.

8. Serve hot with curry or sugar.

How to make Roti Canai

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  1. condensed milk??? great... no wonder y they have a slight tinge of sweetness!!! looks so flaky... would love to make this...

  2. truly a wonderful roti :) i shall try it :) yummy

  3. I love Indian flatbread..sometimes I use them as the pizza crust.

  4. Wow looks so yummy, will surely try this.

  5. These look amazing - and who doesn't love a fresh made roti?!

  6. Wow good one . thank u for sharing

  7. This roti looks so difficult but the results are well worth it :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  8. It looks fantastic and it's definitely new to me.
    I've never eaten it

  9. This sounds so neat!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  10. Indian kitchen has such an amazing variety of flat breads and flavors! This one looks perfect for any time of the day!

  11. Lovely the detailed pictorial discription :)

  12. Roti canai is a flatbread I have never heard of before. I am intrigued by this one especially the addition of condensed milk. Perfect with piquant curries. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I really need to try this, sounds devine. Thanks for the recipe and for linking to Inspire Me.

  14. Yum, looks so good. I haven't tried to make roti myself. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup, pinning to our linkup board and my Indian recipes to try board too.

  15. I love learning about new cuisine dishes. Thanks for sharing this tasty treat at The Weekend Social. Please come back Thursday 9:00 PM EST.

  16. Oooh! This looks good! Think I might have to make some of these with my next batch of curried butternut soup... nom nom nom!

    Thanks for sharing to my blog linky!
