
Sunday, February 23, 2014


Bread Paratha Recipe @

I tried to experiment and coming up with a recipe to use up my nearly expired  bread slices. Since we prefer to have a savory over sweet dish to start our day, this Bread Paratha is created.

The bread slices were slightly toasted before processing them into bread crumbs. The bread crumbs along with flour, onion, mashed potato, green chili, chopped cilantro, minced ginger, milk and salt are then combined to form a pliable dough. Make sure you add the milk/water  little by little until you get a right  consistency. Adding to much milk will result a sticky and hard to roll paratha.

For the recipe below, you will get 4 small paratha but it can easily doubled to suit your requirement. They are best served hot immediately after you've fried them.

Yield    :     4 paratha

6 bread slices turned into bread crumbs
2 tablespoon flour
1 big onion sliced
1 small potato boiled and mashed
2 green chili chopped
2 tablespoon chopped cilantro
small piece ginger grated
2-3 tablespoon milk/water
salt to taste
oil for shallow frying


Place the bread slices on flat pan, cook until both side turn light brown. You can also bake them in single layer for 10 minutes @  150 C, halfway through flip the bread. Let cool slightly.

Remove the bread, tear into small pieces onto your food processor. Whirl  into coarse meal.

Place bread crumbs, flour and mashed potato in a mixing bowl,

Mix in onion, green chili, chopped cilantro and ginger.

Gradually add milk, a tablespoon at a time to form into a dough,

Bread Paratha Recipe @

Divide into 4 balls. flatten each ball into small disc.

Place the paratha on a heated  flat pan, drizzle with oil, fry until  brown spots appear, turn it over to cook  the other side. Remove from the pan.

Complete the rest of the dough..

Serve hot.

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  1. I haven't seen such kind of paratha :) good way to use leftover bread though :)

  2. I love sweets but I also prefer to start my day with savory dish

    It looks very interesting and I'd like to try it

  3. Wow! I am sure it tasted delicious. So creative! Well done!

  4. Wow. I have never heard of interesting! :)

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!

  5. This is a great way to use any left over bread!

  6. Wow this looks amazing :-) great recipe and presentation :-)
    Do visit my blog:-)

  7. What a great way to use that almost too old bread. I would never have thought of potato, but I love the combination of the cilantro, ginger and green chili!

  8. Oh I could definitely eat a few of these! Love the addition of the chopped chilli and ginger.

  9. I like bread paratha. Thank you very much for this article. BizProfit

  10. These bread paratha looks great.. what a innovative recipe it is….

  11. paratha looks so delicious.......inviting recipe !!

  12. Muy delicioso me encanta este pan saludable,abrazos

  13. I've not heard of paratha, but this sounds like a delicious recipe. Thanks for sharing it on Foodie Friday

  14. An awesome way to use up bread..thanks for sharing

  15. These look yum! The bread potato and onion sound delicious. Thanks for sharing at Favorite Things Saturday.

  16. They look great. Thanks for sharing at Sweet and Savoury Sundays, I'd love you to stop by this weekend and link up!

  17. What a good way to use up old bread! Thanks for sharing last week on Five Friday Finds. Hope you can stop by again this week. :)

  18. Happy Friday! I just wanted to let you know your delish recipe is one of my featured favorites from last week’s #GetHimFed Party! You’re welcome to come grab a featured button and join the party again. Congrats! :)

  19. You are quite. Innovative dear.. This post will be very helpful tellin you .. We do face probs with leftover bread slices.. Best thing to make with :-P

  20. nice recipe. bread combined with potatoes, ginger and chillies will taste heavenly. appetizing.
