Monday, December 31, 2018


Home Made Pizza Recipe @

This is my last post for 2018.   Dear readers, you mean so much to me always, always will.   This new year greeting comes with  warmest wishes for you.  And wishes of health,  happiness and prosperity too.

Home Made Pizza is really easy and fun to make. You can either use a  food processor or bread machine but this recipe is done by hand. Pizza is an ideal quick dinner, if you have ample supply of ready made crust in your freezer and have simple toppings on hand, your family can have a decent hot meal..

You can adapt any pizza recipe to your own taste with varied topping. However you have to follow the method properly to get perfect pizza. Balance of the pizza sauce can be kept frozen for later use.

The topping ideas  for Home Made Pizza  are endless, you can choose cooked chicken, seafood, minced meat, tuna or hot dog together with pineapple, olive, mushroom, eggplant and many more.  A make- your- own pizza dinner  is a wonderful way to get your family together in your own kitchen.

Home Made Pizza Recipe @


2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup warm water
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp honey or sugar
1 tsp  dry yeast
1/2  tsp salt

1/2 cup tomato puree
1 cup chopped tomatoes
1 onion sliced
3 garlic minced
2 tsp chili powder or to taste
1 tsp mixed herb (optional)
salt, sugar to taste


Sliced onion
Sliced capsicum
Sliced tomato
Chicken cooked and diced
mozzarella cheese


Heat the oil. add onion and garlic fry until fragrant. Add tomatoes, salt and sugar cook until soft. Add in chili powder, tomato puree and the herb. Simmer for 15 minutes. Cool.


1.Mix yeast, sugar with warm water in a bowl and wait till mixture bubbles.

2.Put flour and salt and oil in a large mixing bowl. Make a well and pour in yeast mixture.

3.Mix until the flour and yeast come together in a ball. Knead for 5 minutes.

4.Let the dough rise for at least one to 1.5 hours.

5.Dust dough with some flour and flatten it, to clear the air.

6.Divide dough into  1 or 2 smaller round.  Roll the dough out into round shape about 1/4 in thick.

7.Place in a pizza pan,  spread the pizza sauce evenly and add the toppings.

8.Baked in a preheated 230 deg C oven for 10 minutes until crust is lightly browned.

Home Made Pizza Recipe @

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Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Sunday, December 16, 2018


These are 10 Useful Kitchen Tips  that made your kitchen task easier,  save time and money too.   Most of them I have tried with successful result.


1.   Place few sticks of cinnamon in  your sugar jar to get rid of ants.

2.  Microwave lemon and other fruits  for 20 seconds can double the juice you get from them

3.   To eradicate tiny black bugs living in your rice, flour and pasta container, place few bay leaves or garlic.

4.   Are your eggs really fresh?  Place them in a bowl of cold water, if it sinks to the bottom, they are fresh

5.   Use dental floss instead of knife to slice a cake, cheese or cold butter

6/   Soak limp lettuce, celery and carrot in ice water for an hour.  They will   become crisper

7.    Rub your hand with oil. before chopping chili  to prevent chili oil contacting your hands

8.   To remove bad smell from your hands, rub with lemon or vinegar after rinsing them

9.   Try swapping oil with apple sauce for a healthier sweet treats

10.   Avoid salt or high sodium seasonings, especially if you have high blood pressure.  Use  herbs, vinegar, tomato or onion instead

If you have other wonderful kitchen tips, feel free to share them in comments section.

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Sunday, December 9, 2018


Kerala Chicken Curry Recipe @

This chicken recipe is made with freshly ground spices with  easy method.

There are tons of recipe for Kerala Chicken Curry, you can find online.   Some uses fresh coconut  but this one without.

Am attracted to try out since it was way simpler when compared with others and uses  homemade spice blend.

You can remove the skin before cooking for  less fat option.

Adjust the spice according to your preference, either reduce or increase the dry chili used. Another interesting ingredient was the use of 20 whole shallots that makes this Kerala Chicken Curry its distinctive sweetness.

It goes well with rice, pulao or  flatbread.   We had friends  who dropped by unexpectedly  and joined us for dinner and  they loved it too.

Other chicken recipes:

Pan Fried Honey Soy Chicken

Maharani Chicken

Hot & Spicy Chicken Masala.

Kerala Chicken Curry Recipe @

Monday, December 3, 2018


How to make Chocolate Brownies Recipe @

How to Make Chocolate Brownies  combine rich cocoa powder with  milk chocolate  to create a  irresistible treat.

It has been months I bake brownies for my family.  They are simple to make by combining dry ingredients in one bowl while whisking the wet ingredients in a separate bowl.

For non cake like brownies, always undercook them a bit so they are moist and gooey.

Let the How to Make Chocolate Brownies  cool  completely before slicing with a thin knife dipped in hot water then wiping dry or use a plastic one to get a smooth evenly cut brownie.   I usually  don't go for all the trouble  since people eat brownies too quickly to care what they look like.

Other dessert recipes you should check:

Eggless Lemon Tart

Coconut Cream Agar

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake

How to make Chocolate Brownies Recipe @

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