Showing posts with label KITCHEN TIPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KITCHEN TIPS. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Another set of 10 Tried Kitchen Tips that are quicker, no mess and  make your cooking more fun.


1.   How to cut onion without tears
Soak onion in a bowl of water before cutting or  keep onion in a fridge for several hours before peeling them

2.  How to  read your recipe while cooking
Use a plastic/wooden  hanger with clips on left and right.  Just clip the page you want to view and  hang the hanger

3.  Clean your  stove burners without scrubbing
Sprinkle baking soda plus few drops of water over your burner, let sit for 20 minutes.  Use wet sponge or  towel to wipe clean

4.  Remove stain on your porcelain cup
Rub the inside of your cup with baking soda,  rinse well

5.   How to puree soft fruits
No need to use a blender, a wire whisk would do the job

6.   How to strip herbs off their stems
Easily remove herbs from the stem , simply pulling the herb through  a bigger hole of stand grater

7.   Easy  Dulce de Leche
Pour a can of condensed milk in  a microwave  safe bowl,  Place this in a bigger microwave safe bowl  filled with water. Heat on High for 8  minutes.  Microwave ovens may vary,  adjust timing accordingly

8.  How to peel garlic quicker
Cut a whole garlic into half. Microwave for  15 seconds.

9.  Quick way to peel tomato
With a sharp knife, make an X  on the bottom of tomato.   Microwave on High  for 20 seconds

10.  Remove grease on  kitchen wall
Simply spray with coca cola then wipe clean

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Sunday, December 16, 2018


These are 10 Useful Kitchen Tips  that made your kitchen task easier,  save time and money too.   Most of them I have tried with successful result.


1.   Place few sticks of cinnamon in  your sugar jar to get rid of ants.

2.  Microwave lemon and other fruits  for 20 seconds can double the juice you get from them

3.   To eradicate tiny black bugs living in your rice, flour and pasta container, place few bay leaves or garlic.

4.   Are your eggs really fresh?  Place them in a bowl of cold water, if it sinks to the bottom, they are fresh

5.   Use dental floss instead of knife to slice a cake, cheese or cold butter

6/   Soak limp lettuce, celery and carrot in ice water for an hour.  They will   become crisper

7.    Rub your hand with oil. before chopping chili  to prevent chili oil contacting your hands

8.   To remove bad smell from your hands, rub with lemon or vinegar after rinsing them

9.   Try swapping oil with apple sauce for a healthier sweet treats

10.   Avoid salt or high sodium seasonings, especially if you have high blood pressure.  Use  herbs, vinegar, tomato or onion instead

If you have other wonderful kitchen tips, feel free to share them in comments section.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009



Listed below are tips compiled by Dr GTS which I find very useful, will publish the tips part by part so others will also benefit after reading the article.

31. After taking out the butter from milk cream (malai) add a little milk or curd to the remaining buttermilk and boil. You now have soft paneer, which is good for small children and those with weak stomach.

32. While making fresh salad cut the toms vertically and not horizontally to get firmer slices. If the toms are soft keep them in a bowl of iced water before cutting.

33. Potato peels can make tasty wafer. Immerse the peel in warm water to which a pinch of salt is added and then dry and deep-fry it.

34. If you want the lemon to last for a month apply coconut oil over them and place in an open tray in the fridge.

35. To prevent the ladyfingers from being sticky toss the chopped pieces in 1 tab of lemon juice before frying or cooking.

36. To get rid of the eggy smells in cakes add 1 tab of honey to the cake batter. The cake will taste better too.

37. To make tasty banana bread beat 250gm flour, 250gm sugar and 60 ml fat, 3 bananas and 1 ½ tsp baking powder and bake till done.

38. If you need to use toms in any curry just grate them in. they cook faster as the skin peels automatically.

39. Add some bay leaves to the raw rice when storing it. Besides keeping worms away it is very fragrant.

40. For any paneer curry add a little grated paneer to the gravy for a delicious taste.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


orange Pictures, Images and Photos
Listed below are tips compiled by Dr GTS which I find very useful, will publish the tips part by part so others will also benefit after reading the article.

21. Wrap half slice of bread in a muslin cloth and place it in the cooking pan.
22. Add a few drops of lemon.
23. Season the oil with cinnamon and clove or add sugar.
24. Cook with piece of ginger.
25. Add 2 or 3 tbsp of buttermilk.
26. Add a few mint leaves while cooking

27. To avoid malai or film formations on custard sprinkle a little sugar and cover the dish.

28. Ladyfinger curry won’t turn out sticky if you add amchur to it.

29. If the curd is excessively sour add some fresh pieces of coconut to reduce the sourness.

30. Make raisins at home. Add 1 tbsp ghee and 1 tsp soda bicarb to 1 liter of boiling water. Break 1 kg of seedless grapes into small bunches and dip each bunch in the boiling water counting up to ten. Remove from water and spread on a muslin cloth to dry.

Friday, November 20, 2009



Listed below are tips compiled by Dr GTS which I find very useful, will publish the tips part by part so others will also benefit after reading the article.

11. To boil cracked eggs add some vinegar to the water. In this case the egg won’t leak out.

12. For making soft chappatis add a mashed boiled potato while mixing the dough.

13. To make a quick sauce for boiled chicken or fish stir 2 tsp curry powder into 1 cup of curd and add a little salt. Heat to serving temperature and spoon over each serving.

14. When the sauce is almost over in the chilly sauce bottle. Add some limejuice and shake well and use as a salad dressing.

15. While cooking bitter gourd add a few pieces of raw mango to remove the bitterness and add a little tang to the curry.

16. Liquid glucose when added to ice cream mixture makes it smooth and velvety.

17. Rub your hands with some salt to remove the odor of garlic.

18. To avoid the nauseating smell while cooking cauliflower try one of the following:
19. Sprinkle a little milk powder.
20. Cook with vinegar and salt and turmeric.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



Listed below are tips compiled by Dr GTS which I find very useful, will publish the tips part by part so others will also benefit after reading the article.

1. Do not throw away hard pieces of stale bread. Dry them in the sun or on the tawa and grind and use as breadcrumbs.

2. Add a little milk to the onions while frying. This will help to retain the rich color and prevent them from burning.

3. While frying mushrooms, add a tsp of lemon juice to the butter. This will prevent them from breaking

4. While cutting hardboiled eggs, the yolk often tends to break. To avoid this dip the knife in ice cold water for a few seconds and then cut smoothly.

5. To 5 kg basmati rice of cheaper qlty add 1 kg of superior qlty and sprinkle a little oil and mix well with your hand. Store in airtight container for 6 months. All the rice will now taste like the superior qlty one.

6. Add wheat flour to the leftover rasagulla syrup and mix to a smooth batter. Keep overnight. Treat yourself to sweet chelas (pancakes) for breakfast the next day.

7. If home made gulab jamuns have not turned out soft and fluffy, steam them in a pressure cooker using the weight along with the syrup for 10 minutes

8. If a recipe requires self raising flour you can make your own by sieving each cup of maida with 1 ½ tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt.

9. To make softer idlis and dosas mix a little cooked rice while grinding the batter.

10. To increase the quantity of fresh cream by say 250 grams add half a cup thick curd and half cup of milk and beat well. This will double the qty and also the taste will be better.

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