Showing posts with label TOP 10 POST OF 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TOP 10 POST OF 2013. Show all posts

Sunday, January 4, 2015


While embarking to a new year, this is a look back to my blogging activities for the past year.

These are the posts that gained the most attention chosen by my lovely readers.

Perhaps you  missed some of these posts or maybe you just want to have another look since it has been awhile.  Feel free of course to share them with your friends because each click tells me that you'd liked me to keep posting these sorts of recipe.

The first most viewed post of 2014 is actually one that I have posted way back in 2012.  Actually you just click on the title of each photo  to view full post.

10. Baked Yeast Doughnuts.

Baked Yeast Doughnuts

9.   Sotong Masak Hitam (Squid in Black Ink)l

Sotong Masak Hitam (Squid In Black Ink)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

TOP 10 POST OF 2013

 First of all,  a big  thank you  to all my visitors and followers tor your continued support without which I  can't go this far. I can't tell you how inspiring it is when I receive comments from readers who have tried my recipe and love it.

I just can't believe that my Eggless Marble Banana Cake was a favorite for two consecutive years. Despite being the easiest and no fuss recipe, it has attracted some of my readers to try it out.

Another recipe that was most tried and get positive feedback   was Spiral Apple Bread.  This recipe along with others who have tried it became  HBG  cover page after I posted it on their Facebook.

Below is the list that make up my Top 10 Post of 2013. Click on the title of each post to see the recipe.

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