Sunday, October 28, 2012


Braided Tuna Bread Recipe @

I bake yeast bread quite often because my family loves them.    My boy specially requested this Braided Tuna Bread for his breakfast.

It is a great bread to bring to potlucks or family gatherings.  Filled with tuna, you can also choose other stuffing of your choice.

If you have a bread machine, the process is even easier because the machine kneads the bread for you. But if don't have a BM, no worries! Good old fashioned kneading with your hand is perfect (it's a good workout).

Using a sweet dough,  this Braided Tuna Bread turned out soft and  buttery, however frozen bread dough may also be conveniently substituted by time pressed readers.

Yield   :     2 mini loaves

3 cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoon cornflour
3 tablespoon dry milk
3 tablespoon soft butter
2 tablespoon sugar
1 cup warm water
2 tsp instant yeast
1 tsp salt

185 g  tuna flakes drained
1 big onion chopped
3  tablespoon light mayonnaise
salt and black pepper to taste


Combine all ingredients except the filling in a mixing bowl, mix and knead using your hand, a stand mixer or bread machine set on dough cycle - to make a soft and smooth dough.

Place the dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover and allow to rise for 1-1.5 hours until doubled.

In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients for the filling.

Gently punch the dough, transfer onto lightly floured surface. Divide into 2 equal  portion.

Braided Tuna Bread Recipe @

Roll out each portion into 9 x 12 in rectangle. Spread half of the filling down the center section.

To form the braid, cut 1 in cross wise strips down the length of the outside sections. Make sure both sides have  same number of strips.

Starting from the left, lift the top dough strip, gently bring it across the filling diagonally. Repeat on the other side so that  2 strips crisscross each other.

Complete the other piece of the dough using same step.

Cover and let rest for 45 minutes. Towards the end of rising time, preheat oven @ 190 C.

Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven, brush with melted butter.

Transfer onto rack to cool.

Linking to  Yeastspotting 11-2-12

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Suhaina said...

That looks yumm and delish. Wish i can have few slices now. Ur braid looks perfect. Freshly baked homemadr bread is the best. I am baking some khara buns right now. Will satisfy my cravings for now.

Mélange said...

Superbly yummy and tempting.

Unknown said...

I have never seen anything like this before. It's so intriguing. Like a tuna encroute but with bread dough? Looks very good!

cocoa and coconut said...

Mm I love tuna but I rarely use it in exciting ways. This is really unique I must say. Thanks for sharing

Yin said...

What a beautiful braided bread you had made. I wonder do you have a daughter with long hair? You must have master the skills from there :-)

Prathima Rao said...

That is a perfect braid!!!
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner

Rosita Vargas said...

Exquisito y muy lindo me encanta un gran trabajo,abrazos y abrazos.

cheryna zamrinor said...

My God...what a piece of work. I respect you for the patience :)

sm said...

looks tasty bread

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself said...

A stunningly delicious bread :)

Choc Chip Uru

Prema said...

wow perfectly made bread,love it a lot...

Medeja- CranberryJam said...

Looks delicious! I really should learn to bake with yeast!

Sangeetha Nambi said...

Love it....

Sanoli Ghosh said...

Wonderfully made tuna stuffed bread. Thanks for sharing.

today's recipe:

Priya Suresh said...

Fantastic and very attractive bread.

Julie said...

lovely filling ,yummy clicks!!
'Join my ongoing EP events-Rosemary OR Sesame @ Now Serving

Morsels of Life | CJ Huang said...

Your braided bread looks so good! I can never get the braided part quite right myself. Thanks for linking up with us today, and when you get a chance, please include a link back to Must Try Monday/Morsels of Life. :)

mjskit said...

This is what your son asked for breakfast. Well, how can you pass a recommendation like that? As always, this is an awesome loaf of bread and I love that it's a protein bread, like a sandwich loaf with all of the ingredients contained in one slice. Fabulous!

Deepti said...

Wow looks wonderful! YUMMY...

Lisa said...

Interesting to add the tuna filling! Looks great!

cookingvarieties said...

hi dear, almost missed this post-very interesting recipe, now i know how they cut up the pastry. bookmarked with thanks. have a nice day

Katerina said...

If I didn't know you made it, I would have thought that a bread artisan has created this perfectly made bread!

Vineetha Sush said...

Tuna super bake !

Reshmi Mahesh said...

Wow perfect looking braid and loved the filling..yummy bread..

Unknown said...

Such a pretty loaf.

Thanks for linking up with us at Wonderful Food Wednesday!

Jessica @ At Home Take 2

kala said...


Jessi @ Practically Functional said...

Wow, that looks amazing! I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

Charlene@APinchofJoy said...

For breakfast -- good idea! Sounds great any time! Thanks for linking on Busy Monday!

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

I love how you braided the bread. Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe on Simple & Sweet Fridays.


Becky McNeer said...

This is beautiful and looks so easy! Thanks for sharing at Foodtastic Friday!

Katherines Corner said...

Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Happy Monday wishes xo P.S. sorry I'm so late visiting :-)

Unknown said...

Aree wah!! super. I luv the way it has come out. You have braided it superb. I am sure its a feast for the tongue.


Following your blog.

Christine said...

I would LOVE to have that for lunch today!

Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! I'm looking forward to seeing what you link up this evening! :)

Kathy Shea Mormino, The Chicken Chick said...

Hello! I’m stopping in to invite you to join us at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop
this week!

I hope to see you there!
The Chicken Chick

Jessi @ Practically Functional said...

Just stopping by to let you know I featured this on my blog today! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. You can check out the feature and grab a button here: The Fun In Functional #24

SnoWhite said...

This looks like a fun bread -- with such beautiful presentation. So glad you brought it to the countdown!

SnoWhite said...

what a fun bread -- and with such beautiful presentation. So glad you brought it to the countdown!

Mamatkamal said...

This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.

Gardening Helen said...

Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party and have a great weekend!

Tarahlynn said...

Looks very tasty! Thanks for sharing with us at the To Grandma's House we go link party!

Irene said...

What a beautiful presentation! said...

This looks so fun. Will be trying it if I can get over my fear of making yeast bread. Visiting from the hearth and soul link up.

Gardening Helen said...

Like a grilled tuna sandwich in a loaf! I love it! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope to see you there this Sunday too! Enjoy your weekend.

Kimberly Dsouza said...

It looks fantastic. I love homebaked bread. I usually make this braided bread with a cheesy mushroom filling and it tastes great. A tuna filling sounds interesting. I'm going to try it out sometime. :)
Thanks for sharing this at our #HomeMattersParty

Sum of their Stories said...

Yum, this looks so pretty as well as delicious. Thanks for sharing with us at Handmade Monday

My thrift store addiction said...

This looks scrumptious! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

Sarita @ An Off Grid Life said...

This sounds soooo good! Thanks for sharing at The Homestead Blog Hop!

Donna @ Modern on Monticello said...

I agree, this would be good for a potluck dinner. Your braid is perfect looking. Thanks for sharing. #HomeMattersParty

handmade by amalia said...

I came over from the Penny's link party to admire your bread. Looks amazing!

French Ethereal said...

Oh yes!!! I have to tell you, as a kid I lived on tuna fish. I wasn't the PB&J girl; I took tuna fish sandwiches to school instead. :) My dad also would make tuna casserole which I still love but only make when my husband isn't home. Anyway, enough reminiscing... I'm happy to say I featured your post at this week's Share Your Style #303 for you. <3 I have the canned biscuits and some tuna, hubby's leaving for a trip Wednesday morning... GUESS what's for dinner?!! ;)'

Many hugs for a new tuna recipe,
Barb :)

French Ethereal said...

p.s. I'll use the biscuits instead of making the dough and braid that. :)

More hugs,
Barb :)

Handmade in Israel said...

This looks so good and I am sure it is delicious too! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Michele Morin said...

Wow! What a treat for family and friends!

Carol said...

I've never heard of tuna bread. The braided loaf looks amazing! And, I'm sure it tastes delicious. Pinned.
Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 53.

Slabs said...

Well done, so beautiful and neat.
I visited you via Saturday Sparks Link Party. My entries are numbered #22+23.
Please join SSPS: M-S