Sunday, January 31, 2016


Honey Cornflakes Cups Recipe @

Had never baked Honey Cornflakes  Cups in ages.  Used to bake them during special occasions, this recipe evokes a fond memories I had when my kids were small.

Only 4 ingredients needed to whip up this sweet treats and super easy to make.  Melt the butter together with honey and sugar (adjust the amount to your liking) until sugar dissolved and bubbly. Add the mixture to the cornflakes and coat them well.

Spoon the cornflakes into cake cases (I used mini and regular one) or small patty tin.  Honey Cornflakes Cups would clump together and harden after cooling these are where the crunchiness come.

Baking Honey Cornflakes Cups is a chance for children to get involved in the kitchen  so have fun and share special moments that will be treasured forever.

Other most requested cookies  during festivals  are:

Black Sesame Seeds Cornflakes Cookies

Suji Cookies

Milk Cookies

Honey Cornflakes Cups Recipe @

Yield  :   25 depending your cake cases size

4 cups cornflakes
1 tablespoon honey
60 g caster sugar
60 g butter

Honey Cornflakes Cups Recipe @


Place butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan.   Cook until  butter is melted and sugar is dissolved.

Place cornflakes in a mixing bowl.

Pour the sugar mixture over cornflakes, stir until cornflakes are fully coated.

Spoon mixture into cake cases and bake for 12 minutes @ 150 C.

Cool slightly and store in an airtight container.

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Unknown said...

They're so cute. We used to add chocolate to ours too. Reminds me of being a kid!!

Motions and Emotions said...

this is something unique...good for kids

Gingi said...

Looks like a quick and yummy treat for busy Sunday mornings before church, to keep the kids happy! hehe! Thanks for sharing! <3 -

Anu Yalo said...

Something different!!
Looks good

Winnie said...

These bring back such wonderful memories :) We use to make these with chocolate when I was a kid. I remember being to proud of making them.

Katerina said...

What a fun idea! I am going to make it to my son!

Audrey said...

My husband bought a big box of cornflakes so I can make these now. Thanks for sharing on the Creative K. Kids Tasty Tuesdays Linky Party. I hope you will join us again next week.

Jess said...

These sound so delicious!

Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

These sound so yummy! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home.


Jhuls said...

These are so fun to make! I'm going to share this with my sister to make for her kids! Thanks for sharing and for joining the Fiesta Friday party!

Joanne said...

These sound like a wonderful snack treat!

Natasha Mairs - Serenity You said...

These look so nice and really easy to make. Must try them

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