Sunday, January 13, 2019


Another set of 10 Tried Kitchen Tips that are quicker, no mess and  make your cooking more fun.


1.   How to cut onion without tears
Soak onion in a bowl of water before cutting or  keep onion in a fridge for several hours before peeling them

2.  How to  read your recipe while cooking
Use a plastic/wooden  hanger with clips on left and right.  Just clip the page you want to view and  hang the hanger

3.  Clean your  stove burners without scrubbing
Sprinkle baking soda plus few drops of water over your burner, let sit for 20 minutes.  Use wet sponge or  towel to wipe clean

4.  Remove stain on your porcelain cup
Rub the inside of your cup with baking soda,  rinse well

5.   How to puree soft fruits
No need to use a blender, a wire whisk would do the job

6.   How to strip herbs off their stems
Easily remove herbs from the stem , simply pulling the herb through  a bigger hole of stand grater

7.   Easy  Dulce de Leche
Pour a can of condensed milk in  a microwave  safe bowl,  Place this in a bigger microwave safe bowl  filled with water. Heat on High for 8  minutes.  Microwave ovens may vary,  adjust timing accordingly

8.  How to peel garlic quicker
Cut a whole garlic into half. Microwave for  15 seconds.

9.  Quick way to peel tomato
With a sharp knife, make an X  on the bottom of tomato.   Microwave on High  for 20 seconds

10.  Remove grease on  kitchen wall
Simply spray with coca cola then wipe clean

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Jean | said...

Number 7 is my favorite. I was afraid when I first started reading it that it was going to be the old boil-in-the-can thing that I think is surely toxic! This can be done with two glass bowls, so I'm perfectly happy!

Sneh said...

Cool kitchen hacks !!

Joanne said...

Oh I am going to have to try number 7! That sounds so easy!

Teresa B said...

Thank you for sharing these useful tips at The Really Crafty Link Party.
I need to try number 1, as I'm a disaster every time I have to peel an onion. Numbers 9 and 10 were totally new to me, I had no idea.

Sheri said...

Thanks for sharing at the To Grandma's House We Go DIY, Crafts, Recipes and More Link Party. I pinned this on Pinterest! Hope to see you next week.

Allyson said...

Thanks for the great kitchen tips! I'm visiting from Dare to Share.

Laurie Cover said...

These are good tips, and I’m glad you’re sharing some you’ve actually tried.

I’m going to try the one about the baking soda for stains in my teacup. I do have one that has stains and I’ve been wondering about how to remove them.

Thanks for sharing!

Ridge Haven Homestead
Homestead Blog Hop

Tea With Jennifer said...

Great tips!
You're most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer,

Nancy Andres at Colors 4 Health said...

What handy tips. Like #3 and will try it some time this weekend. Thanks for sharing your post at the Full Plate party. Mine is #50, Savvy Food Tips to Reduce Salt Intake. Enjoy.

Helen at the Lazy Gastronome said...

Thanks for sharing at the Lazy Gastronome's What's for Dinner party! Hope to see you again tomorrow! Happy Halloween!

Sum of their Stories said...

So many great tips, some I learnt from my mum and nan, some are new to me. I'm curious why you have a photo of bananas though? I scrolled back up to check if I'd missed a tip about bananas but I can't see one :-D

Lydia from Lydia's Flexitarian Kitchen said...

I'll have to try making the microwave dulce de leche. It sounds so much easier (and faster) to do it that way!

Thanks for sharing with us at Creatively Crafty #ccbg :)

Miz Helen said...

Great Kitchen Tips! Thanks so much for sharing with us on Full Plate Thursday, 560 and hope you come back again real soon!
Miz Helen

Donna Reidland said...

Great tips! I'm definitely going to try the one for burners.

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