Thursday, August 12, 2010



I have created this recipe out of the leftover spaghetti rather than dump them into a freezer. It is so easy to prepare, I used whatever ingredients available in my pantry.

Simply serve this pudding as dessert after you main meal or as a midnight snack or for breakfast. At the time of serving, you can add fresh fruit if you like.

For your information, the pasta unlike the bread does not absorb so much liquid thus I have added extra flour to make it thicker and obtain the right consistency.

Here is the recipe in case you want to try, do let me know how it turns out. I just love this yummy pudding, definitely will prepare it again.


270g boiled pasta cut into shorter strand
1 C water
1 C evaporated milk
1 T heaped unsweetened cocoa powder
8 T sugar
2 T corn flour
2 T all purpose flour
2 slices bread cut into small
1/2 C raisin
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 teaspoon salt


* Preheat oven @ 180 C and grease 7 inches pan.

* In a mixing bowl, combine water, milk, cocoa, sugar, both flour, vanilla essence and salt. Whisk until well mixed.

* Add in pasta and bread, leave for 15 minutes.

* Pour into prepared pan and bake for 50-60 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

* Serve hot or cold.


* If the top turns brown quickly, cover with aluminium foil and continue baking until fully done.

* Make sure the raisin is not seen on top otherwise it gets burnt and dried out.

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aipi said...

what a great way to use leftovers..
anything with chocolates is good 4 me :)

Suja Manoj said...

superb idea..very innovative..chocolate pasta pudding looks yummy

Swathi said...

Leftovers turned into delicious dish.Nice and creative one.

kitchen queen said...

very innovative and lovely recipe.

Unknown said...

Innovative & lovely recipe..Looks and sounds yummy.

Satrupa said...

Anything Chocolate is a delight !! Luv this post

Cheers n Happy Cooking,

Suji said...

that was agreat thought Dear..Lovely innovative new dessert!!!

Krishnaveni said...

i love this recipe, looks yum

Unknown said...

Wow, you rock !!! I could not have ever imagined to make dessert out of pasta :)

ijayuji said...

Salam kak, nmpk menarik pulak kan? tak pernah dbuat org nii, kalau org yg pandai masak ni kan ada jer idea yg bernas yg nak dbuat ;-)

PranisKitchen said...

thats so innovative.. nicely combined the choco and spageti .. delicious pudding

Nitha said...

real innovative one..

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

nice innovative recipe.pudding looks yummy

Pavithra Srihari said...

wow highly innovative ... looks delicious

Sushma Mallya said...

yummy one,,loved the use of leftover spaghetti this way...very nice

chaitrali pathak said...

ery innovative and lovely recipe

Rachana said...

A delicious way to use leftover spaghetti! Yumm!

Sarah Naveen said...

new to me..looks so yummy!!!

arthi said...

nice and innovative recipe...

Urmi said...

Absolutely new, interesting and nice recipe. Looks delicious and tempting.

Deliah's Deli said...

salam ramadhan...n slmt berpuasa-ade lg tak choco pasta pudding tu, nak skit :)


Thanks for your sweet and encouraging comments everyone, really appreciate them..

Ijayugi..w'salam, saja cuba2 drp terbuang, tak sangka menjadi pulak..

Deliah's Deli...w'salam, selamat berpuasa juga utk u, jgn marah dah habis..nanti kak buat lagi ....

PJ said...

pasta and cocoa is a unique combo for sure but can't wait to try. looks delicious, would be perfect with a glass of wine.

mrs.shopper said...

new gfc friend please follow

Emily Thompson said...

Looks delicious! COme link up to my food only party!

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