Sunday, August 26, 2012


Baked Banana Doughnuts Recipe @

It has been months we had doughnuts. As requested, I have  baked these Baked Banana Doughnuts  made with yeast and mashed banana. These baked ones are healthier option, will help you to reduce fat and calories at the same time.

Numerous times, I have added mashed bananas for making cakes and breads. this time my  bread turned out  softer and tastier. Besides sugar topping, you can make these guilt free Baked Banana Doughnuts  for the kids with variable toppings.

Baked Banana Doughnuts Recipe @

Yield  : 10 doughnuts

2  1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoon melted butter
1/4  cup plus 2 tablespoon warm milk
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
2 tablespoon sugar
2 medium banana mashed
1/2 tsp salt
1/4  cup melted butter for coating
1/2  cup   fine sugar for coating

Baked Banana Doughnuts Recipe @


Combine  flour, instant yeast, sugar and salt in a mixing bowl.

In a small bowl, mix together milk, butter and mashed banana.

Pour milk mixture into dry ingredients, mix to form into soft dough.

Knead by hand for 8-10 minutes on floured board until smooth.

Transfer into oiled and covered bowl, let rise until doubled for 1-1.5 hours.

Punch the dough down, roll out into 1/2 in thick, cut out dough using doughnut cutter. If you don't have a doughnut cutter, use a 2 -3 in round cookie cutter. Cut out the smaller hole using small cutter.

Place the dough onto baking sheet, let sit for 45 minutes, Towards the end of rising time, preheat oven @ 190 C.

Bake until golden brown for 8-10 minute. Immediately brush with melted butter and drizzle with sugar.

Linking to  Yeastspotting 8-31-12

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Swetha Sree said...

wow, My hubby loves doughnuts. This looks like an easy one! Very tempting clicks! :)

Unknown said...

Great to see a recipe from you after a while... good and healthy version of doughnuts never heard of a banana version.


Torviewtoronto said...

donuts look wonderful deliciously done

Pieni Lintu said...

Looks very yummy!

Raksha said...

wow donut looks delicious.. I love them

Swathi said...

Delicious banana donuts love this baked version.

Suja Manoj said...

Flavorful and healthy doughnuts.

Medeja- CranberryJam said...

They look so delicious! I also didn't have doughnuts for a very long time, I should try these :D

Unknown said...

you had me at banana doughnut...looks divine. thanks for sharing. visiting via SSS. Have a great week. Mica @ The Child's Paper

Nadz Nazharzan said... best jer bila donut ada rasa pisang ni.. Kreatif!

Sarah said...

These look tasty. I may give this a try.

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

this sound really good! never made doughnuts before...I might just have to try

Nicole @WonkyW said...

I've been on a doughnut kick lately and these look really tasty! I make doughnuts without yeast - but I may have to try this recipe out.

Sangeetha Nambi said...

Perfect !!

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself said...

These donuts look utterly delicious :D

Choc Chip Uru

Winnie said...

It's been soooooooooo long since we've eaten doughnuts that I can't even remember how long :)
I love working with yeast and these doughnuts are looking great!:)

Bobbie Anne said...

These donuts look great, thanks for sharing the recipe! I am hopping over from Mommy Mingle, have a great day,
Bobbie Anne

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

These look wonderful!! I'm definitely going to try these!

Jocelyn said...

I love to make homemade donuts, but I haven't tried a yeast version yet. Your recipe sounds incredible. I am pinning it for sure:-)

Unknown said...

Oh these look amazing! So ready to do some baking with the cooler temps upon us :) Have a wonderful week!

Hugs, Tanya

ealldredge5 said...

Hurray, something else to make with bananas other than banana bread. I'm definitely pinning these. I'd lvoe it if you stopped by my link party to share these.

mjskit said...

I don't know if I've ever heard of baked donuts, but I sure would love to try one! These look delicious and with the banana, a perfect breakfast! Thanks for sharing this! Once I get my oven back, I'm going to try this!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Wow, a healthy donut! I'm really happy to see that!

cathy@my1929charmer said...

I remember my Mom making doughnuts, but have never made them myself. I love the fact that these are baked, I don't think I've ever heard of baked doughnuts. I will give these a try, must be so much less in calories. Uhmmmmmmmmmm. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!

Christy @ 11 Magnolia Lane said...

Yum--can't wait to try these! Visiting from Romance on a Dime's party.
~Christy @ 11 Magnolia Lane

Lydia @ said...

Oh that just looks too, too good. I love banana and anything baked!

I hope you'll stop by for my link up. I just started it a couple weeks ago.

Melissa said...

I've been looking for a recipe for baked doughnuts. Do they really taste like doughnuts?

Unknown said...

that looks amazing - home made donuts - super dear :)

Adorned From Above said...

These look amazing. I can't wait to try them. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this post. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party.
I hope to see you there. Have a great Day.
Debi Bolocofsky
Adorned From Above

Rosita Vargas said...

Se ve esponjoso y exquisito su donuts,abrazos hugs,hugs.

Julie said...

Beautiful guilt free doughnuts,yummy!!

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Baked doughnuts are truly inviting la dear!!! Shall we join for teabreak? I'll prepare the make the doughnuts :)

Our Pinteresting Family said...

They look fantastic! Megan

sm said...

very yummy

Ashley Calder said...

Looks super tasty! Found you from link party. Putting these on my to-make list!

ealldredge5 said...

You were featured over at my blog today.

Migdalia said...

This is Yummy!TFS

Becky McNeer said...

These look like something I would find in a bed and breakfast in my dreams!! Holy yum! Thanks for linking to Foodtastic Friday.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love simple recipes! Those look delicious and nwa with fall on it's way I am in the mood to bake again! Found you on the Financial Friday Hop :)

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Oh my goodness, they look so good!

Katherines Corner said...

what a wonderful recipe! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop linky party. Sorry I'm a bit slow getting here xo

Betsy @ Romance on a Dime said...

This looks so good! I'll have to pin it to try the recipe later!

Thanks for linking up at Take it on Tuesday.

Nicole said...

Yummy! Nice recipe!

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

Thanks so much for sharing this delicious recipe on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Have a wonderful week.


sm said...

tasty doughnuts
and rice

Adorned From Above said...

These look so good. I love bananas, and in donuts, even better. Thank you so much for sharing with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party last week. This weeks Link Party is opened at
from Wednesday until Sunday.
Hope to see you there.
Debi Bolocofsky
Adorned From Above

Michelle Day said...

Oh my gosh these sound delicious. I've only just started making baked doughnuts and I can't wait to try this recipe. Thank you so much for linking up to Creative Thursday last week. I can’t wait to see what you link up this week. I wouldn’t be able to do these wonderful parties without your participation. Have a wonderful week.


Adorned From Above said...

I have listed your posting as one of my featured links for this week on my Friday Favorite Blog Links

Visit my blog to grab your featured blogger button.

Debi Bolocofsky

Adorned From Above said...

I have listed your posting as one of my featured links for this week on my Friday Favorite Blog Links

Visit my blog to grab your featured blogger button.

Debi Bolocofsky

Christine said...

I want some!!!

Chas' Crazy Creations said...

I'm so excited to give these a try. Thanks for sharing - Pinned

Julie Briones said...

These look super yummy!

Gardening Helen said...

Sounds good! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party - Have a wonderful week!

HeartSong Normandie said...

they look so good - will definitely have to try these. #happinessishomemade

Abby @ That’s Life For Ya said...

Yum, these look so good!!

Denise Wilbanks | This Is My Everybody | Books and DIY Home Ideas said...

This is the best idea I have seen all year, Nora!... Hopped over from the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop... And so glad I did!

Happy Holidays...

... Denise ✨��✨

April Harris said...

I have never had banana doughnuts, Nora! I definitely need to fix that! Your doughnuts look so light and delicious and the banana would add such a great flavour. Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community. I hope you are enjoying a lovely holiday season.

April Harris said...

I have never had banana doughnuts before, Nora! I need to fix that. Your doughnuts look so light and delicious. The banana would add a lovely flavour too. Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community. I hope you are enjoying the holiday season.

Treat and Trick said...

Hi Denise, thanks for the sweet comment. hope you have a wonderful Christmas and wishing you a Healthy and Safe New Year...

Mayor Sonni said...

I can't wait to try this baked version. They look delicious. Dropping by from the Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party.

Happy new year. Stay safe.

Dee | said...

YUM, going to have to try this recipe! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Monthly Link Party 23. Pinned!

Cherryl Ehlenburg said...

My family loves any recipe with the word banana in it! Pinned.

WeDishItUp said...

These look fantastic. Will give them a try . Looks like they are very popular

Linda said...

They sound wonderful. Come visit Classy Flamingos blog party sometime. I'm always looking for good cooks.

My Hubbard Home said...

Your baked bananas doughnuts got my taste bud attention! Thanks for sharing at the Friday with Friends link party!

Dee | said...

CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at my Unlimited Link Party 24! Open for two weeks now instead of a month.

Miz Helen said...

This recipe makes me hungry for donuts! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday, 552 and come back to see us real soon!
Miz Helen

Jennifer Wise said...

I would love these. Kind of like banana bread but a little more fun. :) I think these would be delicious, and I'd love to try baked donuts, too! Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #35 linkup this week. Hope to see you next time at #36, too. Have a great week.

Debra | Gma’sPhoto said...

Banana Bread is one of my favs. I must like this recipe then!!