Monday, May 24, 2010



This is two layered traditional dessert from  Malaysia/Singapore made of glutinous rice and topped with green custard.

Instead of steaming the sticky rice, I used a rice cooker to do the job. For health reasons use only water but you could use coconut milk to cook the rice. For the top layer, blend pandan leaves with water to extract juice but if unavailable just add a drop of green food colouring. It's eggless too but you could add an egg to the custard if you wish.For more information about screwpine leaves, go through this link:


1 and 1/2 cups glutinous rice soak 1 hour
1 and 1/2 cups water of coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon salt


3/4 cup wheat flour
1/4 cup corn flour
8 tablespoons sugar
1 and 1/2 cups coconut milk
1/2 cup pandan juice (blend 3 pandan leaves with water)
1 egg (optional)
green food coloring
1/2 teaspoon salt


* Wash and drain the rice. Put the rice, water and salt into the rice cooker and let it cook.

* Transfer the rice onto greased shallow 8 inches tray and press with spatula to level top.

* Heat the steamer and bring the water to boil. Heat the glutinous rice, scratch top with fork.

* Add all ingredients for custard and strain. Pour this on top of the cooked rice, steam for 20 minutes with medium heat. Recommended to cover the lid with clean towel to avoid water dripping.

* Cool for 3-4 hours before cutting.


Simplyfood said...

What an ingenious dessert.I love the rich green colour.Never come across pandan leaves will definately check out the link.

Subhie Arun said...

hmmm..u makin me cravin for one ....i lov serimuka too....nice click yar...n healthy version too!

Suja Manoj said...

Lovely dessert dear..with rich green color looks so pretty...seems healthy..will surely check the link.

Anu said...

First time here.. You have a nice blog..
wow mouthwatering and colorful dessert...

Sayali said...

Thats delicious dessert

Deepti said...

Thats a new dessert 4 me...Looks Gr8 Yaar...Shud give a try soon...Nice combination too !!

Love2cook Malaysia said...

I simply love this kuih kak!!! mmmm sedapnye!!! Love ambik sikit ya! ;)

ijayuji said...

Salam kak! kita sukeeeeeeee sgt kuih2 kukus gini pastu ada pulut mmg kita suke! ni yg rasa nak buat jugak ni hihihi

Kiran said...

A healthy and colorful layered dessert.Will look for pandan leaves.As usual one more lovely recipe from you.

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks lovely. I love trying out things from different cuisines. Good job !!!

Suhaina said...

Wow, never thought that its so simple to make. I just love this and buys once in a while from the canteen in my office. Now I can try myself.

Prema said...

very very tasty fav too...luks gr8

PJ said...

wow, what a wonderful and unique dessert! haven't had it before but looks so wonderful.

Sushma Mallya said...

superb one and its so beautiful too...lovely dessert ,would love to have this...

GayathriRaj said...

Thats sounds interesting.....very nice desert yaar....loved the color and the method have to search for pandan leaves.... :)

Aparna said...

nice one, u r frm singapore?

Malar Gandhi said...

Looks colorfula nd lovely never heard abt this dish, thanks for sharing.

Sridevi said...

Nice double layered dessert. Like the white and green combo color...Hope it is lighlty chewy with glutinous rice..

Anonymous said...

Lovely and colorful dessert. I never tried this kind.

divya said...

A healthy and colorful layered dessert....

Gita Jaishankar said...

This looks wonderful dear..looks very tempting and very delicious :)

Nitha said...

Love the colours.. Looks delicious..

Hamaree Rasoi said...

I loved this tradition two layered dessert. So attractive!!! thanks for sharing this...will check out the link

Hamaree Rasoi

MaryMoh said...

Gosh...this is my favourite and i'm craving it now. I remember it's so easy back home...just buy! Now if I want to eat I have to make. Thanks for sharing. I think I have to make this one of these days.

fimere said...

un gâteau que je ne connais pas mais qui m'a l'air bien délicieux, je préfère que le rit cuit avec le lait de coco pour un meilleur goût
bravo pour cette magnifique recette
bonne soirée

Juliana said...

Lovely dessert, love everything with glutinous rice.

Sarah Naveen said...

new to me..looks so yummy!!

PranisKitchen said...

wow what a delicious dessert.first of all thanks for sharing this sing recipe.look so colorful and very new to me..sure i am going to try this.nice picture too

Unknown said...

Very nice and colorful dessert....have never used pandan leaves..liked the deep green color..

Suman said...

thats a rich and delicious looking dessert...totally unique..thanks for sharing this!

Suja Manoj said...

Hi dear, There is an award waiting for you in my space, please collect dear:)

Federica Simoni said...

wow che meraviglia!!!

Priya Suresh said...

Wat an elegant dessert..


Thanks for all your sweet comment, hope to see you again...

Aparna...thanks, yes I am...

Anu..welcome to my space, thanks for visiting and joining in, hope to see you often..

Ijayuji..w'salam, sama mcm kak, suka kuih2 macam ni...

Indian Khana said...

Looks too have a lovely blog ..glad to follow u


Priti...thanks for visiting and joining in, hope to see you often...

MiniBinoy said...

thank you for sharing such mouth watering recipes.. wonderful blog as well

Shu Han said...

oh my gosh that is MY FAVOURITE KUIH! i miss this! have to try this out!

i love all our kuehs. i did a mee jian kueh (peanut pancake) recently, but with sourdough instead ;)

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