Sunday, February 16, 2014


Rice Flour Pudding Recipe @

I always love pudding especially made with coconut milk. It has a special sweet flavor that you can't get with whole milk. After long time, my son requested to make corn pudding this weekend. So have sent him to purchase the most important ingredient for making the pudding,  sweet corn.

I'm aghast and extremely disappointed when he brought home  a can of  corn, guess what?  It's cut young corn. So I have to devise my plan for making another pudding.

This Rice Flour pudding comes into my mind. Have other obstacle, no fruit is available to add in, so go ahead making Rice Flour Pudding without any fruit.

So glad my son really enjoyed having this soft, sweet and creamy pudding.  We completed them in one sitting.

You can make this Rice Flour Pudding firmer by reducing the amount of liquid so as to facilitate easy slicing. Have used one cup of coconut cream or thick coconut milk but if  much creamier flavor  is required, do add more coconut  cream but cut down the water used.  For healthier option, white sugar can be replaced with palm sugar.

Serves  :  6-8

1 cup rice flour
1 cup coconut cream
2 1/2   cup water
3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup  sliced fruit (banana, jackfruit)

Rice Flour Pudding Recipe @


Combine rice flour, salt, coconut cream and 2 cups water in a bowl. Strain.

Place  sugar and remaining water in a pot,  cook until sugar is dissolved.

Add in the rice flour mixture,  stirring constantly to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan  until bubbles appear on top.

Remove from heat, add in the fruit (if using). Stir to combine.

Pour into individual  serving bowls  or  a shallow tray. Leave to cool at room temperature.  Serve warm or cold.  Store in a refrigerator if you want to serve it cold.

Rice Flour Pudding Recipe @

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Medeja- CranberryJam said...

Very nice pudding :) I like that coconut cream in it.

Lily (A Rhubarb Rhapsody) said...

I've only ever used rice flour to make mango sticky rice and shortbread. It never occurred to me to use it for pudding. It looks like it works wonderfully!

Rafeeda AR said...

this sounds really interesting... must have been yum!!!

Beena said...

Mouth watering simple pudding . will try dear

Winnie said...

Great pudding! It reminds me of the pudding my Mom used to make when we were kids.

I do have rice flour, but I don't like coconut cream. Can I replace it with regular cream?

mjskit said...

I've never heard of rice flour pudding. It looks so creamy and like you, I do love a pudding made with coconut milk. Eating it all in one sitting definitely speaks volumes about its taste!

Abhivyaktiya said...

Delicious pudding with beautiful presentation

Abhivyaktiya said...

Delicious pudding with beautiful presentation

Sangeetha Nambi said...

It's super delicious !

deepti said...

:).. sometimes my husband does the same thing and I have to come up with a different dish to serve guests or family! But your rice pudding looks yummy! I am glad he liked it...

easyfoodsmith said...

I have never seen a pudding made with rice flour. It sounds good with coconut cream. Wonderful gluten free post!

Katerina said...

We make a lot or rice puddings here in Greece too and we call it rizogalo which means rice and milk! I love your puddings they look divine!

Unknown said...

Thats really unique, must have tasted delicious..

First time on your blog, love it here.. so glad to follow you, keep in touch :)


hindustanisakhisaheli said...

yummy :-)

Unknown said...

Love the delicious pudding !!

MommyonDemand said...

I have never had rice pudding but sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing at The Weekend Retreat, Hope to see you back on Thursday.

Laura@baking in pyjamas said...

Great dessert. Thanks for linking up at Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again this weekend!

Unknown said...

Even though I am from Malaysia, I can't remember exactly I have ever have these rice flour puddings.. But it looks delish. Thanks for sharing with 4 seasons blog hop.

great-secret-of-life said...

delicious Dessert! love it

Deborah Davis said...

When I was a child I remember my mother making wonderful rice pudding for a special occasion dessert. Thank you so much for sharing this delicious rice pudding recipe on the Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Blog Hop! I appreciate it!

Subash said...

Thank you! Very informative. Keep up the good work!

Susan@Organized31 said...

My mother-in-law loves rice pudding. She puts raisins in hers. I'll have to tell her about adding fresh fruit. Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday on Organized 31.

Heather @ Something Sew Beautiful said...

Oh wow! I would have never thought to use rice flour to make pudding. I am excited for this recipe, though - I have everything on hand already!! :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice dear your pudding turns out so great yummy :-P I am loving the addition of coconut cream :-)

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