Sunday, September 23, 2018


Sweet Potato Bread Recipe @

A homemade  sweet potato bread  that is moist, soft and super easy to put together without yeast. .

I have baked all sort of quick bread, this time using sweet potato.  This Sweet Potato Bread  is a lighter version since it uses oil and water to moisten the bread,

Since my family does not like overly sweet bread, I use just a quarter cup of sugar but add a cup if you like it sweeter.

Also replace 3.4 cup of plain flour with whole wheat flour.

Like most quick bread recipe, it is done using a whisk.  Firstly, combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.  Whisk together the wet ingredients in a separate bowl.  Combine the two, stir until just moistened and spoon into prepared pan.

Baked this Sweet Potato Bread exactly 50 minutes but it varies according to individual oven so adjust accordingly.

Sweet Potato Bread Recipe @

Other  quick bread recipes:

Pumpkin Banana Bread

Blueberry Oatmeal Bread

Fantastic Apricot Bread

Sweet Potato Bread Recipe @

Monday, September 17, 2018


Fried Bread with Eggs Recipe @

Simple fried bread with eggs for a  delicious meal of the day.

I have few loaves of baguettes at home, so I created this Fried Bread with Eggs for our breakfast today.

It is simple to make and so  yummy.   You can make it even better by adding cooked minced meat, chicken even tuna along with other ingredients.

Not only baguettes but you could use other types of bread too.  For a richer ones, lightly fried the bread in butter first  before adding the rest of ingredients.

Just a basic ingredients this Fried Bread with Eggs are simply amazing!  Worth to make again.

Fried Bread with Eggs Recipe @
Other  breakfast recipes:

Pumpkin Banana Bread

Blueberry Oatmeal Bread

Fantastic Apricot Bread

Fried Bread with Eggs Recipe @

Fried Bread with Eggs Recipe @

Sunday, September 9, 2018


Homemade Hash Browns Recipe @

My first attempt making hash browns at home.  Am using fresh new potato.

With simple ingredients this Homemade Hash Browns are a new addition to our breakfast list.  Shredded potato is soaked in cold water to remove the starch. Drain and wrap with towel to remove excess water.

I find it a bit tricky to make since this  Homemade Hash Browns do not include flour or eggs to clump together.

Out of this recipe I get 2 x 6 in round hash browns.  My 1st one, turned out great with perfect size.  But had problem with the second one.  It breaks when I flip it.

What I did was remove them from the pan and shape into cutlets.  Mine looks darker in color due to addition of chili powder.  You may omit this if you don.t like a spicy hash browns.

Despite the hiccups, they came out  extremely tasty even my 1st one has been eaten immediately and I have no chance to  snap the photo.  We ate them as it is without any sauce.

Homemade Hash Browns Recipe @

Other breakfast  recipes you might be interested:

Vegan Banana Pancake

Moist Banana Muffin

Carrot Apple Muffins

Homemade Hash Browns Recipe @
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