Sunday, December 16, 2018


These are 10 Useful Kitchen Tips  that made your kitchen task easier,  save time and money too.   Most of them I have tried with successful result.


1.   Place few sticks of cinnamon in  your sugar jar to get rid of ants.

2.  Microwave lemon and other fruits  for 20 seconds can double the juice you get from them

3.   To eradicate tiny black bugs living in your rice, flour and pasta container, place few bay leaves or garlic.

4.   Are your eggs really fresh?  Place them in a bowl of cold water, if it sinks to the bottom, they are fresh

5.   Use dental floss instead of knife to slice a cake, cheese or cold butter

6/   Soak limp lettuce, celery and carrot in ice water for an hour.  They will   become crisper

7.    Rub your hand with oil. before chopping chili  to prevent chili oil contacting your hands

8.   To remove bad smell from your hands, rub with lemon or vinegar after rinsing them

9.   Try swapping oil with apple sauce for a healthier sweet treats

10.   Avoid salt or high sodium seasonings, especially if you have high blood pressure.  Use  herbs, vinegar, tomato or onion instead

If you have other wonderful kitchen tips, feel free to share them in comments section.

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Joanne said...

These are some really handy tips! I'll definitely have to remember that microwaving fruits for juice one. Pinned

Teresa B said...

Thank you for the tips. Some of these I knew about, but others were a surprise. Do you have any suggestion to avoid tears while chopping onions? I’ve tried a lot of things but nothing works for me.
Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party.

Joan Merrell said...

These are great tips! I love to learn more about how to organize my kitchen, and how to work more efficiently there. I have written a couple posts about how to organize your kitchen, and how to organize your refrigerator. One of my favorite tips is to create a "baking center" in my kitchen where I store my mixer, bowls and measuring cups, baking ingredients, etc. It works great! Visiting from The Really Crafty Link Party.

Calypso In The Country said...

Great tips! I always do the egg one to check freshness! Thanks for linking up to Best of the Weekend. You were one of my features this week! Happy New Year!

Sum of their Stories said...

Great tips, I know the lemon juice one but hardly ever remember to do it! I should print this list and pop it on the inside of a cupboard door.

Miz Helen said...

Thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday,489. Hope you have a great week and come back to see us real soon!
Miz Helen

Dee | said...

Lots of good tips! Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 37. Pinned!

Jean | said...

Great tips, and I definitely want to try that lemon one next time. I do the old "roll it on the counter" thing, which does help, but I bet the microwave works better. My helpful hint for the commenter who cries over her onions, get a pair of onion goggles. They really work!

Slabs said...

Thank you so much for sharing your post at our Senior Salon Pit Stop.
Pinned to Senior Salon Pit Stop InLinkz Linkup Shares board and tweeted @EsmeSalon with #SeniorSalonPitStop

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Good tips! I will keep a list of them to remember them all

Dee | said...

CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at my Unlimited Link Party 61!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I enjoyed reading all of these tips! I'll probably use at least 3 of them this week.. thanks.

Pam said...

These are really good tips. Some I knew, some I didn't, and some I forgot! I'll be featuring this post at Thursday Favorite Things today. :)

PaulaShort said...

Great tips, these will really come in handy.
Thank you so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's August link up.