Thursday, May 6, 2010



My hand is really itching to bake since we had nothing for teatime. Normally would prefer baking rather than frying snack thus cut down unnecessary fat in our diet. Baked this simple cake, really easy and delicious. Since my family love to eat cake and cookies regularly so I need to choose one that is not very rich, used less fat and this one falls into the category. Let's bake...


2 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup milk
1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup chocolate rice (sprinkles)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla essence



1. Sift flour, baking soda and baking powder into a mixing bowl.

2. Preheat oven @ 180 C, Mix together chocolate rice and the sifted flour.

3. Beat together butter, essence and sugar then add the milk.

4. Combine the milk mixture with dry ingredients, mix well.

5. Pour into 7 inches greased pan, bake for 25-30 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.

6. Cool 5 minutes and remove from pan.

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divya said...

Your cake sounds amazing...the way you prepared and presented is fascinating!!!!

Unknown said...

Delicious and simple. It doesn't get better than that!

Kiran said...

As usual very nicely presented.

Suman said...

nice easy recipe with minimal ingredients...looks delicious though...

Unknown said...

Looks lovely !!! Curious to know, what is chocolate rice? Please email me if you can :)

Suja Manoj said...

Lovely cake!! simple and delicious..

Nitha said...

Wonderful... really tempting..

Rachana said...

the cake looks so delicious.

Shabitha Karthikeyan said...

Super Cake..Looks yummy...

Unknown said...

Thanks for the choc. rice info. I didn't know we call sprinkles as chocolate rice :)

MaryMoh said...

Mmm...I would love a slice now with a cup of tea!

Simplyfood said...

Lovely soft and spongy cake.

kitchen queen said...

lovely and tempting recipe.

Life is beautiful !!! said...

hehe I was searching for rice in your ingredient :) The cake looks very humble.

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

You come up with some super tea time baked goodies and i love how u added the chocolate rice:-)))

Am sure this was a delicious treat!!!

Priya Suresh said...

Cake looks super soft and yummm!!

PranisKitchen said...

itching to bake thats cool..
baked one is always good than the deep fried one..
the choco rice cake looks so yummy..

fimere said...

joli gâteau simple et délicieux j'adore
bonne soirée

Yat Maria said...

Akak..cake ni simple jer kan?? memula ingatkan rice cake..apa ek??? rupanya chocolate rice....cake..he he..

Love2cook Malaysia said...

I'm joining MaryMoh too! hehehe ;)

Sushma Mallya said...

looks so spongy and delicious..

Niloufer Riyaz said...

what an easy and tasty cake. makes me drool

Hamaree Rasoi said...

The cake looks spongy and wonderful dear...

Hamaree Rasoi

Gita Jaishankar said...

Fabulous cake dear...looks awesome :)

Unknown said...

Choco rice cake that sounds new and yum!

Sridevi said...

The cake looks soft and spongy.Nice recipe.

PJ said...

baking is surely so much better than frying. love this chocolate rice cake,, looks so moist and delicious, perfect tea-time accompaniment.

Anonymous said...

Esselamu aleykum sister,
happy fridays


Thanks everyone for your wonderful comment and Happy Mother's Day to you and family...

hayatcemresi...w'salam and Happy Mother's Day and have a great weekend dear.....

My Kitchen Antics said...

wow i seem 2 have missed quite a few interesting recipes...i have not heard of chocolate rice...sounds really interesting...

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

I bet this would be lovely for breakfast too!

I'd love to have you share this recipe with Sweet Tooth Friday!

Treat and Trick said...

Allison @ Alli 'n Son...Thanks for your lovely comment. So glad to join your party dear. Thanks for hosting...

Amber | Bluebonnets and Brownies said...

Wow, I've never seen anything like that before, with the chocolate rice cereal in the cake. What a great idea!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

That looks so good! I'll bet it goes real well with a nice cup of coffee. :)

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