Monday, May 10, 2010


Raisin and Oatmeal Bun Recipe  @

Back in action,  playing  with my dough again, this time around using oat and raisin, can't believe my eyes how this Raisin and Oatmeal Bun  really swelled from the original size once I have baked them. 

Although you could use the yeast mixture after 10 minutes, I let the yeast sit for an hour then mix the dough. Another tip is to let the dough ferment longer and by doing that the bread turns softer and fluffier.

Trust me, it's worth making, Raisin Oatmeal Bun turns out wonderful and great to dip with a cuppa.  What you need are:

Yield   :  10 buns

2 and 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup rolled oat (grind)
2 teaspoons dry yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons melted butter
2 tablespoons milk powder
1 cup warm water
3/4 cup raisin soaked 30 minutes, drained


* Combine yeast, sugar and warm water in a bowl, keep aside for 10 minutes or until foamy.

* In a mixing bowl, mix together flour, oatmeal, salt, butter, raisin, milk powder and yeast mixture. Knead by hand for at least 10 minutes or use stand mixer until smooth. Keep covered for 2 hours.

* Gently flatten  the dough and divide into 10 balls. Place the bun onto greased pan and let rise for 1 hour. Towards the end of raising time, preheat oven @ 180 C.

* Brush top with melted butter and bake for 15-20 minutes. After removing from oven brush again with butter. Enjoy!

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Life is beautiful !!! said...

Looks cute, soft and shiny :)

Unknown said...

They looks simply perfect dear.

subhashini said...

It looks perfect

kitchen queen said...

lovely and tempting buns.

Suman said...

buns are really cute..!!

Fathima said...

Perfect buns... perfect shape...

fimere said...

tu as raison ils sont bien gonflés, bravo pour cette réussite
bonne soirée

Sridevi said...

Perfectly done.Just remembering the Indian Tea and buns.

I thought of trying out Buns this week. Somehow still postponing..

Happy Mothers day to you...

Lynsey James March said...

What yummy looking buns!

PranisKitchen said...

looks so soft..perfectly baked..good with tea..really delciious yarr

Unknown said...

What a delicious treat these buns would be! Great flavor combination.

Anonymous said...

Love to have this bun with butter:)

Hamaree Rasoi said...

Perfectly baked with a nice shine on top. Great!!!

Hamaree Rasoi

Rumana Rawat said...

U bake beautiful buns.. i would love to learn form u to bake buns...
This just great:-)

Suhaina said...

Looks very professional. You are a very good cook. I really admire people who can BAKE!!

Kiran said...

Perfect buns.Very tempting pics.

Priya Suresh said...

Super cute and prefectly baked buns, looks awesome..

Aruna Manikandan said...

Buns look perfect and cute :-)

Raks said...

Buns looking very nice,bet it would have tasted great too!

ijayuji said...

Hi kak! ehehe.. buna akak tu kan buat kita nak ngap jer! licin n gebus!

Rachana said...

perfectly baked buns... looks fantastic!

Nitha said...

So smooth and shiny... Looks so perfect dear...

Gita Jaishankar said...

The buns look inviting and yum :) said...

Looks perfect and inviting...

Sayali said...

they look more perfect than what we get in shops :)

divya said...

looks so soft..perfectly baked..good with tea..really delciious yarr

MaryMoh said...

Wow....these look so pretty and delicious. I love homemade buns. I can eat a few :D

Suja Manoj said...

So cute and lovely buns..perfectly baked

Namitha said...

Love buns..they look perfect

PJ said...

oh sure, i would love some of this bread to dip this in my morning cuppa :)


Thanks so much for all your wonderful comment...

Fathima, Hema, Lynsey James March and Raks Kitchen welcome to my blog, thanks for visiting and your lovely comment, hope to see you again...

My cooking experiments said...

Hi nice blog here.This recipe is bookmarked.They look delicious!

Unknown said...

That sounds good, so many possibilities! Thanks for linking up to Made From Scratch Tuesday!

Treat and Trick said...

Jen....Thanks for hosting dear!

Trisha said...

I love that you make your own bread ... i need to try it out soon ... btw the buns look perfect!

Unknown said...

yum! i don't often make bread...but this looks good enough to try! thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club.

Jenn Erickson said...

The buns look so perfect, golden, and delicious! Thank you for always sharing such wonderful recipes on "A Little Birdie Told Me..." Tuesday at Rook No. 17!

Siv Maria said...

Hi, doing some hopping around as a new blogger and social hopper from Norway. Looking forward to following you :) You are making me hungry!

annies home said...

these look delicious I am your newest follower come visit me at

TanyasTreasureTrove said...

Hi! I'm following you from YLM
blog hop!I hope you visit me and
return the follow:0)

Jenna H. said...

YUM - I am a sucker for any type of baked bun, so I should definitely try this recipe out! Thanks for sharing :)
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

Gardening Helen said...

Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope your week is great - stay healthy!

Powell River Books said...

I do most of my baking when I'm home up the lake at our float cabin. Living there off the grid makes it seem like the perfect spot. When we stay in town or travel I don't bake very often even though we do cook most of our meals at home or in the RV. - Margy

Ann said...

They sound delicious! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ's

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