Tuesday, May 4, 2010



Hello everyone how do you do? Hope all is fine....

Really don't know what to serve for breakfast, suddenly my heart says how about pancake, it's very simple and fulfilling too. Next step is to check whether I have all ingredients on hand. Lucky for me, shortly after entering the kitchen I whipped up this fluffy pancake.  Although it takes a longer time to prepare because of fermentation it is worth the waiting - turns out wonderful.

This time used red bean paste bought from the store for the filling but you could use chocolate, kaya or even fruits or simply drizzle with honey, all are up to you. Here's the recipe:


2 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons dry yeast
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 cup warm water
1 and 1/2 cup warm milk
3/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons melted butter
oil to grease the pan



* Combine yeast, sugar and warm water in a small bowl. Keep 10 minutes or until frothy.

* In a mixing bowl combine flour, salt, butter and milk. Stir until no lumps.

* Add yeast mixture to the flour and stir well. Keep covered for one hour.

* Lightly grease the pan, pour 1/2 cupful of batter and turn when bubbles appear on top and cook the other side.

* Repeat the process until batter is used up. Place a piece of pancake on a plate, stuff with desired filling and fold into half. Enjoy..

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Yeast Pancakes on Foodista


Unknown said...

Love the final product !!!

Kiran said...

Yeast pancakes are new to me.Love the pic of pancake rolls.

Lazaro Cooks said...

Love the yeast pancakes. Wonderful job. I could wake up to those.

I made some olive oil pancakes. Here's the link if you want to check them out...


Suji said... to us..yet interesting one palatable

Kairali sisters

Panchpakwan said...

Ohh wow ..pancakes looks delicious..

Sushma Mallya said...

Nice for yum...

Unknown said...

I love pancakes! This recipe is different from the one I use to make pancakes. I look forward to trying your recipe.

divya said...

This looks awesome.. love this recipe

kitchen queen said...

lovely and delicious pancakes.

Shabitha Karthikeyan said...

Looks delicious...will try it..

Suja Manoj said...

This is interesting..very different..yummy!!!

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

i love all ur pancake recipes and honestly am so craving pancakes rite now:-))))

Am also here to tell u something interesting!!!
SUper giveaway at this link...psst psst, am sure u love LE CRUESET ,dont ya?
Well its jus one of the goodies u can chose:-))))

Juliana said...

Oh! These pancakes look so fluffy and light, will definitely give a try :-)

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Pancake looks too good kak! Nak jugakkkk...hehe! ;)

Rumana Rawat said...

Wow... thats a lovely pan cakes.. yumm.

PJ said...

oh wow, the pancakes look so yummy and delicious! totally worth the time and effort!

Aps Kitchen said...

They luk so fluffy..... n nice :)

MaryMoh said...

I would love this for weekend breakfast. I love red bean paste as filling, too.

PranisKitchen said...

the filling is really awesome..liked the yeast delicious ..lovely pic too

Life is beautiful !!! said...

Pancakes look yummy and the presentation is very nice :)

Preeti said...

Thanks for sharing pancake recipe ... I have always used store bought ... know I can prepared some at home :)and I bet its comes out well. YOur look very fluffy. Nice pics

Gita Jaishankar said...

Yeast pancakes sounds like a wonderful idea...the pancakes look so soft, they must have tasted great :)

Kalavathi Bhaskaran said...

Thank you for your appreciation. I am glad you liked it. Try Chickpea dosa some time.

Namitha said...

Never tried this..looks delicious

Priya Suresh said...

Super delicious pancakes looks fluffy and prefect.

Unknown said...

wow so inviting!!!!

Suhaina said...

looks very tempting. Yummm. Nice clicks too dear.

Rachana said...

The pancakes looks so yumm and delicious!!!!


Thanks so much for all your sweet comments..

Lazaro Cooks...thanks for the link, would try your version next time....

Hamaree Rasoi said...

Simply loved the look of your pancake.

Hamaree Rasoi

Sridevi said...

Loved the stuffed pancakes and its presentation

Megan Gunyan said...

Mmmmm....sounds so yummy! I need to try this out for sure!

Treat and Trick said...

Meg...So glad you like it. Do let me now once you've tried them...

Anonymous said...

My family loves pancakes and I'd love to try this recipe for them. Thanks for linking to Saturday Swap!!

Anonymous said...

There's a special place in my heart (and on my hips) for pancakes :-) Thanks for sharing, these look great.

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