Wednesday, September 1, 2010



As you might notice, I frequently bake cookies, muffin and cake for my family especially choosing the ones that is not high in calories.

Chocolate Rice Cookies will produce a treat that is sure to please everyone in your family. It's easy enough for you to whip a batch of these cookies so you and your family can have freshly baked cookies for dessert along with a glass of milk.

Please take note this cookies is easily browned so do not bake longer than the prescribed time. It is so aromatic at the time of baking and has rich buttery taste.


1 and 1/2 cups all purpose flour
130 g soft butter
2/3 C fine sugar/brown sugar
1 C chocolate rice
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
pinch of salt
1/4 tsp baking powder


* Preheat oven @ 160 C. Sift flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl.

* Beat butter, sugar and vanilla essence until creamy. Add in the flour and chocolate rice, stir until well combined, forms into pliable dough.

* Shape the the dough into small ball then flatten slightly and place them into baking tray.

* Bake for 8 minutes. Sit on pan for 5 minutes before removing to the wire rack.

* Store in an airtight container when completely cool.

YIELD : 38 pieces

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Satrupa said...

Yummmm ..... cookies time again !! I luv it dear ..... looks so gr8.

Cheers n Happy Cooking,

aipi said...

Again a very new kind of cookie..looks great ..very nice recipe!!

Cooking Gallery said...

So many people are making cookies...;)!! But I love chocolate cookies, so I love seeing new recipes!

Suman Singh said...

thats a new recipe for cookies to me..never had anything with chocolate rice before..sounds new and interesting ingredients..thanks for the recipe!

Rachana said...

A very interesting cookie recipe! Looks delicious!

Satya said...

wow cookies looks very delicious n interesting ..thanks for sharing dear


Krishnaveni said...

chocolate rice is new to me, looks yum

Sanyukta Gour(Bayes) said...

looks awesomen to me...thanks for sharing

Padma said...

Lovely cookies. Never heard of chocolate rice.

Unknown said...

very innovative cookies..sounds yummy :)

Elaichii said...

Nice and new cookie! Would like to try it soon!

Juliana said...

Wow, what a interesting sure looks creative with chocolate rice...yummie!

Sushma Mallya said...

A new combo but looks yummy

chaitrali pathak said...

wow...nice and lovely cookies

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

nice one,looks very great

Sayantani Mahapatra Mudi said...

lovely cookies with melt in the mouth consistency.

Aparna S Mallya said...

Delicious looking cookies u got there!

cocoa and coconut said...

Sounds FABULOUS! This recipe really combines all my favourites...cookies, chocolate, rice! Happy baking.

MaryMoh said...

Beautiful cookies with all the speckles from the chocolate rice there. These won't last long in my house :D

Trying To Be Muslim.. said...

This look yummy TT, must won't last long even in my kitchen, he3....

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

awesome cookies...

Sarah Naveen said...

wow..that looks awesome..yumy yumm!!


Hello eveyone,

Thanks for your positive and encouraging words, really appreciate them..

Unknown said...

Lovely looking cookies dear.

aipi said...

Awesome cookies dear..they look perfect!
Thanks a lot for linking to book marked event :)
US Masala

MiniBinoy said...

u got a very gud collection of cookie recipes.. nice blog!!

Mark and Ashlie said...

Love this new recipe! Thanks for sharing with Sister Sister Sunday!

Melissa Naasko said...

This does look fabu but I am also unfamiliar with chocolate rice. Can you fill me in? Thanks!

Treat and Trick said...

Hi Ubermom,

Thanks for your sweet comment,FYI chocolate rice is made of chocolate and they are shaped very tiny similar to rice if unavailable you can use chopped chocolate instead, hope this helps...

Gardening Helen said...

The cookies look great - one thing though. What is chocolate rice? Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party! Have a fantastic week.

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