Friday, September 3, 2010



There are several types of payasam, a dessert cooked in milk or coconut milk , sweetened with sugar/jaggery and flavored with raisin, cashew, saffron, almond and cardamom.

It is essential dish in many Muslim and Hindu feasts and celebrations. It is often made with rice but other ingredients such as vermicelli, broken wheat or green gram dal can also be used.

The vermicelli (semia) is lightly roasted with ghee but now I used oil, this is added to boiling milk and cook until soft. Quite fast to cook and very delicious. This is how I made the payasam.


1 cup vermicelli
3 cups milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 T oil
2 T raisin
2 T cashew
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder


* Heat the oil, fry the raisin and cashew, remove. In the same oil fry the vermicelli until light brown, transfer onto a plate.

* Pour the milk in the pot, bring to boil. Add the vermicelli and sugar, cook until vermicelli turns soft. Add the cardamom powder.

* Add the cashew and raisin, stir well.

* Place onto individual bowl to serve. Enjoy them hot or cold!


Satrupa said...

Wow they payasam looks so yumm .... looks delicious !

Cheers n Happy Cooking,

Cooking Gallery said...

Wow, vermicelli as dessert! Thanks for sharing, I just learned something new because of you :).

Shabitha Karthikeyan said...

Delicious looking payasam !! I made it recently !!

aipi said...

Semia payasam looks great.. creamy n delicious.. nice click too!!

Unknown said...

Semi payasam looks delicious..Btw a small suggestion, post text color is very bright not able to read if you would change will be great.

Elaichii said...

Looks so creamy!

Priya Suresh said...

My all time drooling rite now here..

Ananda said...

Quick and easy dessert or for as offerings, yummy :)

Chef Dennis Littley said...

I have never heard of your dessert before but it looks so creamy and delicious! I love the use of coconut milk, I would love to try some!

Satya said...

delicious payasam ...looks sooo tempting


Rachana said...

Payasam looks so creamy and delicious!

Unknown said...

Truely said, the varities of payasam always will make you to crave more...lovely dish..

Unknown said...

I love it !!!

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Akak, hru doing there???

I'm taking over some payasam for my son! He loves this alot!..Happy Ramadhan! :D

Krishnaveni said...

my fav too, looks beautiful

Faith said...

What a pretty dessert! My hubby's mom makes this but with rice. I would love to try it with vermicelli!

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

lovely payasam!

Rumana Rawat said...

I really like this recipe. my husband would love it:)

Jeyashris Kitchen said...

looks delicious, my all time fav.
We used to boil milk, along with the roasted gives a nice texture

chaitrali pathak said...

Wow they payasam looks so yumm .... looks delicious !

Hamaree Rasoi said...

Sevai payasam looks divine and rich....
Hamaree Rasoi

Sushma Mallya said...

Looks so yum..

Gita Jaishankar said...

Hi thanks for the kind words dear :) Love the color and presentation of the payasam...looks really good :)

Raks said...

Payasam looks creamy and yummy! Loved it!

Vikis Kitchen said...

Semiya payasam is my all time favorite. Yours look very tempting dear.

fimere said...

j'ai déjà goûté à un dessert qui lui ressemble beaucoup et je trouve ça très doux et savoureux
bonne soirée

Torviewtoronto said...

love this we make it for eid said...

Looks very yummy!

MaryMoh said...

New to me. looks sweet and delicious....beautiful dessert....mmm


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Thanks for your wonderful comments, they are real booster to read them...

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