Wednesday, September 29, 2010



This chocolate roll is a favorite among my kids since it is filled with chocolate. One can easily buy this gorgeous bread from your neighbourhood bakery but nothing compared to the satisfaction you get after your family tasted the bread you've baked. Another benefit of baking your own is that you could customize to your taste, you decide what to add and or omit.

Actually baking bread isn't that tough but the only disadvantage is time consuming. If you plan well, like mixing the dough at night, shape and leave to rise in a refrigerator then bake them the next day so your family could enjoy this fresh from the oven. It is also great for serving unexpected guest.

At the time of shaping, sprinkle generous amount of butter, sugar and chocolate chip after you rolled up into rectangle, this will make the rolls look better and tastier.


3 cups plain flour
2 tsp active dry yeast
4 T sugar
5 T melted butter
1/2 C warm water
1/2 C plus 4 T warm milk
1 tsp salt


4 T butter
6 T chocolate chip
3 T brown sugar


* Combine yeast, warm water and 2 tablespoons sugar in a small bowl. Leave for 15 minutes or until frothy.

* In a mixing bowl, place flour, sugar, butter, salt and yeast mixture. Gradually add warm milk and forms into pliable dough. Knead by hand 10 minutes or use your stand mixture.

* Let rise for 2 hours in a covered and greased bowl. Towards the end of raising time, preheat oven @ 180 C.

* Punch out the air from the dough. Roll out into rectangle 14 x 12 in on floured board.

* Spread butter leaving 1/2 inch around the corner, sprinkle with chocolate chip and sugar..

* Roll up, jelly roll style starting from the long side. Slice 1 in thick and place onto baking sheet which is lined with baking paper.

* Bake 15 minutes @ 180 C until golden brown.

* Cool on wire rack.

Linking to  Yeastspotting 10-1-10


Shabitha Karthikeyan said...

Gorgeous rolls. I simply love all your bakes. May be you can send it to my Virtual Party - Chocolaty Dreams event.

Pari Vasisht said...

lovely, looks fabulous, why only kids I am sure anyone will love these.

Madhura Manoj said...

So inviting & perfect. Nice click!!!

aipi said...

You are definitely an awesome baker..these rolls look delightful!

US Masala

Dimah said...

These look absolutely amazing!

Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels said...

I LOVE that you filled the rolls with chocolate!!! They look SOOO delicious, thanks for the recipe! :)

Nitha said...


Unknown said...

Delicious it must have tasted great.

Federica Simoni said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...veramente deliziose!!!!!!!ciao!

Suji said...


Pushpa said...

Perfect looking this too much..

Pushpa @

Swathi said...

Chocolate rolls looks fabulous. Nice recipe too.

Suja Manoj said...

Love your bakes..this looks gorgeous..chocolaty and yummy.

Aparna S Mallya said...

Rolls filled with chocolate sounds enticing!

Unknown said...

wow, love them :)

Elaichii said...

I am drooling over here dear!

Love2cook Malaysia said...

Wow...chocolate rolls! Pass kat Love sikitttt!!! My son wants it...Mommy drooling too ;)

Torviewtoronto said...

delicious rolls sweet

Faith said...

Bread and chocolate is a really delicious combination! Your rolls look amazing!

Hamaree Rasoi said...

Wow ! what a perfect looking rolls. I would love to treat my so with this very soon. He would just relish it.

Hamaree Rasoi

Anonymous said...

How have I never had a chocolate roll before?!? These look so, so good!

Koci said...

I love freshly baked bread already, but chocolate, too? Yum!! Looks delicious!

Rumana Rawat said...


Pavithra Srihari said...

one awesome roll with chocolate .. looks yumm !!!

Priya Suresh said...

Feel like grabbing some rolls..

cocoa and coconut said...

Chocolate rolls are perfect with a good cup of tea and gossip! Fabulous idea.

MaryMoh said... these. Would be so good to have with a cup of tea especially in this cold weather here. Would love to try some day. Thanks very much for sharing.

Sushma Mallya said...

Yummy rolls, perfectly done

chaitrali pathak said...

Gorgeous inviting and perfect

fimere said...

ils sont beaux et délicieux
bonne soirée

Vikis Kitchen said...

Rolls has come out perfect dear. Nice one.

Ananda said...

with choc in it, can i have onne of those cute ones?

Joyti said...

Wow, your chocolate rolls are perfectly shaped and even, and I bet they were delicious!

Anonymous said...

very beautiful looking rolls..neatly done!

Ginger said...

Just awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award! Head on over and check it out!


Krishnaveni said...


Chef Dennis Littley said...

I love those chocolate rolls! what a great idea, I know my girls would love those!

Home Cooked Oriya Food said...

lovely rolls!

~Lisa~ said...

I love your chocolate rolls. And you're right, nothing beats homemade baked goods. The aroma alone brings the family together.

Anudeepa Kadiresan said...

wow...your kids and ur husb both are lucky....its tempting and yummy...

Sanjeeta kk said...

Lovely rolls, kids will love to have these.

pigpigscorner said...

Anything with chocolate for me too =)

Urmi said...

Beautiful and yummy looking chocolate rolls. I am drooling seeing the lovely rolls.

Sridevi said...

Perfect chocolate rolls...yummy

Sarah Naveen said...

Simply delicious recipe..yummy yumm!!

Mary Bergfeld said...

These look simply delicious. I know I'd enjoy them. This is my first visit to your blog and I've been browsing through your earlier entries. I really like the food and recipes you feature here. I'll be back often. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Nancy said...

You are absolutely correct, there's nothing like fresh warm out of the oven baked goodies. I love your recipe, it sounds so yummy and warming.

Treat and Trick said...

All my dear friends, thanks so much for our sweet words, I really appreciate them....

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