Sunday, January 26, 2014


Chocolate fudge slice recipe @

Who can resist Chocolate Fudge Slice? This recipe was foolproof and pretty darn simple - just basic ingredients and egg free. It's better than any fudge I've ever tried.

I used 11 x 7 in rectangle pan, lightly buttered. The Chocolate Fudge Slice was easy to cut and remove from the pan. It's chocolatey and sweet enough to satisfy my cravings.

Meanwhile, a lot of vegetarian cookery books rely heavily  on eggs, especially for cakes, pastries and pudding. These recipes can be replaced  and the following should provide some ideas.

Eggs are used to bind a dish, when whipped, may  also incorporate air  making a cake very light. Many recipes can be adapted using one of the suggestions below.

Instead of one egg, you can use::

1 medium  mashed banana
1/4 cup apple sauce or pureed fruit  (avocado, pumpkin, squash)
1 tablespoon ground  flax seed + 3 tablespoon of warm water. Let stand 5 minute before using
1/4 cup pureed tofu

Chocolate fudge slice recipe @

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Coconut Cake Recipe @

In the weekend, I set aside some personal time and baked this Coconut Cake. It is egg free recipe and truly fabulous. It is moist and smells so good loaded with shredded coconut.

In case  you  have self rising flour in hand, you can use it but omit the baking soda and baking powder also you can add an egg, lightly beaten  if you're not a fan of banana.

My sons took a bite and declared this Coconut Cake as  our delightful  new favorite.

There is no reason why you're not baking this cake. It is super easy, all you need was to throw the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix well then  fold  in mashed banana, milk and vanilla extract. Stir to combine and  pour into prepared pan and it is ready to be baked in a preheated  oven for 20-25 minutes.

Coconut Cake Recipe @

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Spiced Cookies Recipe  @

For most of my friends, cookies were served  during festivals  (Eid,  Lunar New Year or Christmas) but not in my household. We are serving them regularly as our tea time treat.

I  recently bake these Spiced Cookies  and my family raved about them because they are unusual and delicious.  However this cookies is my to go. Simple, easy and loaded with warm spices.

Would  definitely prefer to bake in a smaller portion to maintain freshness but you can easily double up the quantity if needed.  I also make use of orange colored sugar  instead of white one.

To speed up the process, you can leave the butter on your counter  for few hours prior to baking or else use your microwave oven to soften it a little.

Another combination of spices could be added to the dough are nutmeg, cinnamon or mixed spices.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Gluten Free Banana Bites Recipe @

                                    HAPPY NEW YEAR!

This is my first ever post of 2014.  Although none in my family has issue with gluten but I always love to venture into something new. This time trying out Gluten Free Banana Bites.

A gluten free diet strictly excludes gluten in all of its obvious and disguised forms. Gluten is a protein found naturally in wheat, rye, barley and spelt.

As usual I had chosen a recipe that  uses less sugar and   egg free.   If you need to clear your blackened banana, this recipe fits that purpose too. This  gluten free and wheat free bites use corn flour and white rice flour with option to use either whole milk or coconut milk.

Gluten Free Banana Bites  was wonderfully tasty with  moistness from  mashed banana  and sliced beautifully when it was completely cool.  Above all  it is really quick and no fuss to prepare.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

TOP 10 POST OF 2013

 First of all,  a big  thank you  to all my visitors and followers tor your continued support without which I  can't go this far. I can't tell you how inspiring it is when I receive comments from readers who have tried my recipe and love it.

I just can't believe that my Eggless Marble Banana Cake was a favorite for two consecutive years. Despite being the easiest and no fuss recipe, it has attracted some of my readers to try it out.

Another recipe that was most tried and get positive feedback   was Spiral Apple Bread.  This recipe along with others who have tried it became  HBG  cover page after I posted it on their Facebook.

Below is the list that make up my Top 10 Post of 2013. Click on the title of each post to see the recipe.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Upma is a simple yet comforting dish originated from South India.  Now I want to make use of my leftover bread slice. The perfect way to clear those is making  this  Bread Upma.

For this recipe, the cubed bread is  fried along with various seasonings and vegetables are often added during the cooking process, according to your preference.

Since Bread Upma is fully spiced, you don't any gravy at all.  The flavor has a depth character and distinction. This quick meal is best served during breakfast or brunch.

Serves :  3-4

6-8 slices bread cut into small
1 big onion chopped
2 green/red chili sliced thinly
1/4 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seed
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 large tomato diced
1/2 cup thinly sliced carrot
2 tablespoon chopped cilantro
2 tablespoon oil
salt to taste


Heat the oil, when heated add in  mustard seed. When they pop, add the cumin seed, onion and green chili.

When onion turns  translucent add the tomato, carrot and salt. Cook until tomato turns soft.

Now add the chili powder, turmeric and cilantro, stir well.

Mix in bread pieces and stir until bread is fully coated with spices.

Remove and serve. Garnish with cilanto.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013


Chocolate Sesame Cookies Recipe @

Chocolate Sesame Cookies Recipe @

Create perfect cookies to grace your holiday table with this recipe. You can experiment with fruits, nuts, seeds for unique cookies flavors.

Am sharing with you my Chocolate Sesame Cookies that use sesame seeds in the dough  also as a topping.   Sesame seeds add extra nuttiness and compliment the cookies perfectly.

You can get around 35-40 cookies if  you roll them  into  1/2 in ball.  Use vegan margarine if you prefer to make them dairy free and suitable for vegans.

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Monday, December 9, 2013


Hi friends.

Today is my first  ever guest post at Jerri of Simply Sweet Home.

Are you looking for cookies recipe to grace your holiday table?  I am sharing  this   Chocolate Sesame

Cookies recipe. These are buttery,  loaded with  sesame seeds and so addictive.

For details and recipe,  head over to   Simply Sweet Home   also check out Jerri's wonderful recipes/.

Thanks  Jerri for this opportunity, sending you my heartfelt wishes for a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. May you have a great time!

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Sunday, December 1, 2013


Stir Fried Pasta Recipe @

Once a while we love to eat pasta especially a stir fried ones. We will devour any kind of  pasta  that is long and spicy. While we do have a typical pasta sometimes I mix things up with pasta from different countries. I make sure they have more fiber and other nutrients.

You can always use less chili paste for a  milder version.  Anyway, we like ours to be super spicy, in fact I had used bird's eye chili for this recipe.

This meal is delicious and ready in minutes.  Feel free to substitute any type of meat or vegetables to this dish or skip the meat altogether.

Stir Fried Pasta Recipe @

Stir Fried Pasta Recipe @

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Calzone Recipe @

If you ask me what would be my favorite and easy to go meal, it  always be  calzone.  For those of you unfamiliar with calzone, they  are  actually stuffed pizza.

While you can certainly make your own dough, most people I know want something a little easier. The easiest solution was to use frozen pizza dough or  refrigerated biscuit dough that comes in a tube.

Using   my best pizza dough   recipe and stuffed with chicken, bell pepper, onion, tomato and spices, these turned out soft and chewy at the same time. These freeze well  so it is a great idea to make a large batch for another night.

Although this recipe calls for chicken,  you can  stuff with a variety of fillings.  For vegetarian, you can substitute chicken with more veggies with cheese.

How to make Chicken Calzone Recipe @

Sunday, November 17, 2013


apple oatmeal cake recipe @

My family loves  dessert.

Am on a look out for a much healthier version of dessert  but still comforting and delightful. This moist,  not too sweet  Apple Oatmeal Cake which is satisfying falls into that category. Everybody enjoyed this treat and nobody even thought that it might be on healthier side.  Not only it is lighter but also quick to put together

Made with rolled oat, buttermilk and apple that contains no egg at all. Have it for breakfast or as a nutritious snack. This  Apple Oatmeal Cake  is delicious on its own.

apple oatmeal cake recipe @

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Recently, I had an interview with where I shared my all time  favorite recipe and who was  my foodie hero.

Here is the screen shot of the interview:

                                                                   DATE TART

You can read the rest of the interview by clicking the following link:

                                                          HEALTHY BREAKFAST BARS

Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic week everyone!

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Sunday, November 3, 2013


Hoddeok is a Korean hawker's delight. Made with yeast dough and stuffed with sweet filling,  almost the same as other bread with yeast that requires rising.

After stuffing is done, it is flatten and lightly fried in oil on heated cast iron pan. When it turned brown, flip over and flatten the dough using your spatula. Care should be taken when pressing the dough, otherwise it will burst out.

Normally it was stuffed with brown sugar and nuts but this time I had used peanut butter and jelly as its stuffing.

The contrasting flavor from the plain dough and the sweet filling makes this Hoddeok  a great snack!

Yield :   8 pancake

2 cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoon sugar
1 tsp instant yeast
3/4 cup warm water
1/2 tsp salt
2 tablespoon oil

8 tablespoon peanut butter
8 tablespoon jelly of your choice


Place flour in a mixing bowl.

Combine warm water,  sugar and yeast.

Pour the yeast mixture onto the flour, sprinkle the salt. Combine until it forms into soft dough.

Place the dough into greased and covered bowl. Let rise for  1 hour or until double in size.

Divide dough into  8 balls, add flour if it is too sticky.  Place  the filling ingredients in a small bowl.

Flatten each ball, place a tablespoonful of filling, seal the edges and shape into a ball again.

Heat little oil in a cast iron pan, place 2 balls on the hot pan, seams side down and fry then flip after the bottom is slightly browned,  flatten the ball using the spatula.  Cook until  golden brown. Complete the rest of the dough.

Serve hot.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013


Cornflakes Cookies Recipe @

Cornflakes Cookies are a favorite during festive times and they are my all time favorite biscuit. Crunchy on the outside and chewy in the center - they're addictive.

This buttery cookies were quite tasty and the crunchy crushed cornflakes added a great texture.

As usual, most of my cookies are super simple and easy. No extra trouble or special thing to use. It actually gives you a nice break to prep the rest of the ingredients.

They are delicious on its own but if you;re adventurous enough, feel free to add other mix ins such as coconut, sultanas, glace cherries or even chocolate chips.

Do you have your favorite Cornflakes Cookies recipe? Please share on the comment section, I love to try it.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Mini Pumpkin Tarts  @

This satisfying Pumpkin Mini Pie is the perfect size to snack on by itself or enjoy as an elegant finish to any meal.

I love making pie dough from scratch. It's really not that hard. This  crust was easy to handle and tastes good too. You can use canned pumpkin if you like the traditional thick texture and sweetness but I like  using fresh cooked pumpkin. It is not overly sweet and much lighter. You can freeze cooked pumpkin for many months so you can still make this pie whenever you want.

Mini Pumpkin Tarts  @

Sunday, October 13, 2013


This South Indian dessert is always served during festivals and special occasions. Macaroni Payasam was delicately flavored with cardamom and nuts. A great dessert for anytime of the year that anyone can cook at home.

Made with macaroni, sauteed in ghee and milk,  it can be customized to your palate by adding more or less  sugar.  Using stove top, the delicious payasam will be ready in a matter of minutes  by simmering the macaroni in a pot of milk.

The flavor of this dessert improves with time, dilute it with a little warm milk before serving since it thickens as it sits. I'm using a seashell shaped macaroni but it is great with other type of pasta too.

Yield     :   8 servings

1 cup macaroni  (seashell shaped)
1 tablespoon ghee
1 liter milk
1 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 - 3/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon chopped almond/cashew


Heat the ghee in a deep pot, add in the nuts, fry until light brown.  Transfer nuts onto a plate.

Using the same pot, fry the macaroni for 1 minute.

Add the milk, simmer until the macaroni turns aldente, stirring in between.

Now add the sugar, stir well.

Add in ground cardamom and fried nuts, stir well.

Serve hot or cold.

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